魂栈 - 励志故事 - 精选故事网


2021-10-26 10:32:55 阅读 :





“你前天跟我说要去辛庄我就不放心,今天你的电话一直打不通,所以我未了。”林父说完转向孙掌柜, “孙掌柜,好久不见了。”




“然后你让我把身上那几万块钱输光了,那是我一辈子的积蓄。我那天去城里本来是想把一家大客栈买下来的,可是我什么也没有了,都是因为你!”孙掌柜目眦欲裂,大声吼着, “回到庄上我拼命地挣钱,可是客栈的生意却每况愈下,我最终在悔恨中死去。到了阴间我还要开客栈,我要把钱都挣回来。”

林父苦笑一声: “我把你的钱骗了过来,买下了城里那家客栈,才有了现在的资产。但我事后真的后悔了,来庄上找过你,可是你已经死了。”


“我马上就快要死了。”林父平静地说, “我来这里就没打算活着回去,我已经被医院检查出来癌症晚期。客栈我也卖了,全部资产都以你的名义捐了出去,不信你自己看。”林父说着掏出几张纸扔了过去。

孙掌柜接过来一看,一张是林父的化验报告单,一张是他的捐款收据。他呆住了: “你……”

林父双膝一曲,跪了下去: “你杀了我吧!”



眼看着孙掌柜领着那群尸体走远,林栋难以置信地说: “天哪,我们得救了!”




Introduce:Village of laborious of travel of night back cadaver just rained heavily, originally tranquil farmhouse scene becomes cloudy heavy. Lin Dong actually very be fed up with countryside, but the message that cummer Liu Xiao Ting dies of illness to grandmother cries the eye is swollenly, want to buy ticket to return old home at once. He is not at ease really, with respect to the decision the dawn that accompany Liu goes back together, also be inquire for sooner or later anyway of her family. Traditional consciousness of countryside is very thick still, enter a village before long, they heard voice of suona horn of gong and drum. The thing of and so on of horse of person of the elegiac couplet that hopes to still can see white far, paper, paper. Although Liu dawn family member expressional dignified, but see Lin Dong still very enthusiastic inquire after sb's health, lin Dong has some felt embarrassed. Hold a funeral procession began, a trival ceremony looks Lin Dong is dazzlingly. Nevertheless, lin Dong did not see bier first and last, this lets him some indissoluble, be the habit that says the country still is withholding inhumation for the most part? That evening, liu Xiao's family is cleared away to Lin Dong after giving a comfortable and clean room respective go to bed. Rural light-off is early, not quite good also plus wireless network signal, so Lin Dong played foolishly to meet the mobile phone prepares to sleep. At this moment, lin Dong is heard one is transmitted in the courtyard in a low voice delicate language. He is abrupt curiosity rises, before ground of to walk gingerly takes the door, seam through the door look outside, the father that sees Liu Xiao only is carrying a thing on the back to preparing to go out, liu Xiao's mother is exhorting what. So late where should he go to? Lin Dong is more curious, flat push stealthily open the door, followed to go up slowly. There is rain outside, on the road muddy pothole, plus without street lamp, liu dawn father is late one base is low of one foot gave the door, and Lin Dong follows at the back nervously. Crossed a corner, reached open place, moon is aspersed come down, enlightened they two people. Lin Dong frightens what the ground discovers Liu Xiao Fu kisses a back is a person actually, saying well and truly is prolapse of arm of —— of a body, full head white hair, the cheek caves. This body Lin Dong has seen by day, be the remains of Liu dawn grandmother! Lin Dong is frightened so that within an inch of calls up phonate. His emphatically covers Pull in your ears! just did not let sound be sent, feel double to genu aching and limp cannot stand only. It is good to passed a long time, the eye sees Liu dawn father goes remote gradually, lin Dong just a little be pacified mood, the decision continues to catch up with go looking after all. Took a paragraph of route again, before they will in the village manage desolate building. Lin Dong fix eyes on looks, that is hotel of an ancient formula, have two, , cobweb is completely on Fang Liang. House apical seeper distills slowly down eave come, beat the window paper that fizzles out in extensive to go up, below the curtain of night that resound stranges and changeful in this. (Phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) this hotel should already

本文标题:魂栈 - 励志故事

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